Mission Statement

I will in general eat healthy, eat "normal" food, without gimmicks, pills, surgery, or trademarked diets. I will log all calories consumed and estimate calories burned on a daily basis. I will then be able to track my progress and estimate arrival time to my goals through My Food Log. I will also develop non-food rewards for reaching my goals knowing that reaching each goal is a reward in-and-of itself. I will not give up. I know that I will not be perfect but that I am making a permanent lifestyle change. The good days will out-number the bad days. I will not give up!


Google Cheat Sheet

About two weeks ago, my techie hubby sent me a link to Lifehacker. He then directed me to a really cool Google cheat sheet.

Thank you Lifehacker , my hubby, and adelaider.com for making it easier for e-dummys like me to quickly access so many Google features. The cheat sheet is very well organized. It is color coded (red, green, and yellow) and segmented into various types of features used within Google. Red boxes are for expert user features. Green boxes are centered on the sheet, slightly larger than red or yellow boxes, and are for novice user features. Yellow boxes are on the right of the sheet and are for intermediate user features. This sheet also contains sections detailing general information about Google. One section describes services that Google maintains which are not called "Google". And there is even a section near the bottom of the sheet detailing text formatting for using the Google Search Engine should you want to use it to search for something such as a vehicle VIN number. I highly encourage everyone to visit Lifehacker, the article they wrote about the Google cheat sheet, and adelaider.com. Everyone needs to have a copy of the PDF which opens using Adobe. It is simple to understand and delightfully useful.

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